Monday, November 7, 2011

Javan Rhinos Exctinct in the Wild!

The last adult Javan rhino in Vietnam was killed last year, making the animal extinct on the Asian mainland. The rhino was probably killed by a poacher. Only about 50 Javan rhinos remain and live in a park in Indonesia.

Habitat loss and hunting caused the population of Javan rhinos to drop during the 20th century. The rhino was thought to be extinct on the Asian mainland until a population of about 15 animals was discovered in 1988. With this recent death, conservationists are sure that there are no Javan rhinos left in Vietnam.

We've got to do something! And fast!

How you can help: Go to How you can Help (located on the right of the page) to learn how you could help the Javan rhino make a comeback. More information of the rhino's extinction is also on the page linked.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Map of North & South America

 Vancouver Island Marmot
 Amargasa Vole
 Mantled Howler Monkey
Andean Cat

Friday, April 1, 2011

Endangered Animals Wordcloud

You can click on it to make it bigger. Then click the back button (or the arrow) to return to the blog.